Please note: Our 2014 schedule will not be finalized or published until September 2014; this is last year's schedule and map for reference. Times and activities are generally expected to stay the same.
Keene Pumpkin Festival 2013 October 19, 2013
6am.....Main Street Closes
7am.....Food & Craft Court Setup
8:30.....Great Pumpkin Mile Race
10:30...No more vehicles downtown
11:30...Food & Craft Court opens
Noon...Festival opens
Ferris Wheel, Pumpkin Patch for kids at NGM/MSA group
Kids: Make your own pizza at Ramunto's
12:30..Costume Parade West St. to Main St.
1:30.....Bandstand: The Auld Locals
1:45.....Street Performance: Steve DeMasco's Shaolin Studio
2-6pm.Bowling on West Street
2pm.....Keene Public Library Spooky Kooky Halloween Show
2:00.....Bandstand: Andrea LeClair
2:15.....Street Performance: NHDI
2:45.....Bandstand: Pop Alert
3:15.....Street Performance: KSC Dance Team
3:45.....Bandstand: Santa Croce
4pm.....Lighting begins
4:15.....Street Performance: Mavericks Line Dancers
4:45.....Street Performance: Earth Dancer School Free Spirits
5:15.....Bandstand: The Beatles “Studio Two”
6:30.....Log-in ends, jack-o’-lanterns lit
6:50-6:55 Guinness World Record Attempt
8pm.....Count announced
8:15.....Festival sales end
8:30.....Festival closes
8:45.....Pumpkin Dump Derby
12:30...Peace in the city
Dawn...Everyone wakes up happy
HGTV Magazine Demo Schedule at the Gilbo Ave Welcome Center
1pm.....Easy Autumn Entertaining
1:30.....Meet HGTV design star Meg Caswell
2pm.....Trick-or-Treat Gift Bags
3pm.....Decorate your Pumpkin like an HGTV Star
4pm.....Creative Ideas for Candy Distribution
The Great Pumpkin Mile 8:30am
Location: Washington Street to the Winchester Street roundabout and back. Before the festival, first thing in the morning, a one-mile race through the car-free, pumpkin-lined streets of Keene, right past the spectacular tower! Sponsored by Ted's Shoe & Sport and Elm City Rotary Club
A 45-foot Photo Opportunity Noon-8:30pm
View the festival from 45 feet in the air, thanks to the Ferris Wheel on Main Street provided by East Coast Amusements. Sponsored by Price Chopper.
Welcome Centers at Each Downtown Entrance
Welcome to the Keene Pumpkin Festival.... Log in your carved jack-o'-lantern to be part of the world record tally, make a donation to keep the festival shining... all at whichever entrance gate you choose. If you forgot your pumpkin, you can carve one at the carving station--or adopt one at the Pumpkin Orphanage--and log it in. Visitors will feel warmly welcomed to Keene Pumpkin Festival. Pumpkin orange tents signal the Welcome Centers.
The Pump(kin) Dump Derby 8:30pm
A race to clean up Pumpkin Festival involving competing teams, lottery-assigned territories, and prizes. Sponsored by Keene State College, Clarke Distributors and Shipyard Brewing Co. Details
Pumpkin Festival Children’s Costume Parade 12:30pm
Location: West Street to Main Street. Children (of all ages!) decked out in Halloween costumes parade down West Street and continue down the Main Street lined with delighted spectators. Sponsored by PC Connection.
Pumpkin Bowling 2pm-6pm
Location: West Street, after the parade clears the area. Real bowling pins but instead of bowling balls, we'll be bowling with pumpkins--the hard cooking pumpkins. Try the new sport of pumpkin bowling in the middle of what is usually one of New Hampshire's busiest streets. Sponsored by Best Western and Days Inn.
Food and Craft Court Noon-8:15pm
Location: Commercial Street and Gilbo Ave. Parking Lots
Offering a wide assortment of healthy and fair foods, hosted by local non-profit organizations, the 2013 Food & Craft Court is sure to be the delight of the festival. Looking for a pulled pork sandwich, fried pickle or fried dough? Step right up. Wraps, stews and turnovers as well as pumpkin-inspired treats are also among the menu offerings. Tables for quick-picnics will be right nearby with necessary facilities conveniently located around the corner. In addition to food offerings, the Food & Craft Court includes three dozen artisans offering crafts from paintings to fudge with many returning favorites. Sponsored by Antioch University of New England.
Spectacular Pumpkin Tower at Central Square
Plus thousands of jack-o-lanterns on street-level displays
The signature tower on Central Square is the centerpiece of the Keene Pumpkin Festival. Sponsored by C&S Wholesale Grocers and Markem-Imaje.
The street will be lined with pumpkins and pumpkin spectators, for smooth strolling and the best viewing, unfettered by vendor booths and queues. Families and seniors will feel very welcome and handicap parking in excellent locations makes access easy. Live musical entertainment will add to the atmosphere on the bandstand and at other selected locations but the sights will carry the day!
The 2013 Keene Pumpkin Festival runs from Noon-8:30pm (precisely) on Saturday, October 19.
The night before, Friday, October 18, you will find one of the most beautiful, welcoming downtowns in New England featuring fine dining establishments, a lavishly restored theatre, wonderful shops and boutiques—the very same enchanting scene you will find every other Friday in Keene, NH.
Schedule Subject to Change
HGTV Magazine Demo Schedule at the Gilbo Ave Welcome Center
1pm Easy Autumn Entertaining
1:30 Meet HGTV Design Star Megan Caswell
2pm Trick-or-Treat Gift Bags
3pm Decorate your Pumpkin like an HGTV Star
4pm Creative Ideas for Candy Distribution